The Timeless Solution to Restoring Youthful Appearance
For over 25 years, the technique of implanting gold threads, also known as reinforcement, has been utilized in the world with tremendous success. Thanks to the extensive 6-year experience of Spanish surgeons led by Dr. P. Orenes and the research conducted by scientific teams under the guidance of Professor A.A. Adamyan and Professor A.I. Nerobeev, a method of reinforcing with gold threads has been developed and substantiated, providing a remarkable solution to restore the patient's appearance. Though Dr. P. Orenes is no longer practicing, the legacy of Professor A.A. Adamyan is continued by his talented students.
The biological rejuvenating effect of gold and platinum threads has been scientifically proven through extensive research, establishing the place of reinforcement with gold threads as a primary choice in numerous aesthetic plastic surgeries. Currently, ligature lifting methods such as polylactic acid, Aptos, Silhouette Lift, Silhouette Soft, and others are successfully employed by cosmetologists. However, it's worth noting that the technique of implanting gold threads served as the foundation for these modern methods of thread or ligature lifting. Though each technique may bring about good results, strict adherence to certain rules is necessary. Only the method of implanting gold threads can guarantee the preservation of appearance for 10 years or more, making it truly unique.
Gold Thread™ reinforcement has been praised for its remarkable success in the professional community. The natural biological properties of gold and platinum threads have a rejuvenating effect on the skin, helping to restore a youthful appearance. The technique of implanting gold threads has become a primary choice in numerous aesthetic plastic surgeries, providing long-lasting results. The method has proven to be effective in preserving the appearance for 10 years or more, making it a timeless solution for those seeking to restore their youthful look.
Despite the remarkable success of Gold Thread™ reinforcement, it's unfortunate that the method is little covered in the professional community. This is most likely because the remote result of using gold is so good that it does not require any subsequent cosmetic and surgical corrections. The method of reinforcing with gold threads remains a timeless solution that continues to withstand the test of time.

Recent scientific research has further substantiated the effectiveness of the Gold Thread™ reinforcement technique. From approximately 2010, studies devoted to immunohistochemical and other high-tech investigations of subcutaneous fat and its effect on the condition of the overlying skin began to emerge in the scientific literature. Evidence suggests that more effective skin rejuvenation occurs when drugs that cause neocollagenesis are injected into the subcutaneous fat. V.N. Khabarov developed and tested hyaluronic acid preparations with gold and zinc nanoparticles, opening up new areas of skin rejuvenation. Publications focused on the study of changes in subcutaneous fat under the influence of gold have also been released, providing further evidence of the method chosen by Dr. P. Orenes, and the use of gold threads for skin rejuvenation.
In conclusion, the technique of implanting gold threads, or reinforcement, has remained a remarkable solution to restore a youthful appearance for over 10 years. While modern methods of thread or ligature lifting may offer good results, the preservation of appearance for 10 years or more can only be guaranteed through the implantation of gold threads. Recent scientific research continues to substantiate the effectiveness of this timeless solution, making it a must-consider option for those seeking to restore their youthful appearance.
The application of gold threads in aesthetic medicine has been proven to significantly prolong the need for facelifts, even beyond the age of 65-70. Despite this remarkable achievement, the interest in utilizing gold in this field has not dwindled. In fact, a new design of gold threads for implantation has been developed and introduced into medical practice by Gold Thread™ International LLC, USA. This innovative development has enabled the expansion of indications for the use of gold threads, making it possible for even more patients to benefit from this technique. In addition, the cosmetic market has been enriched with the introduction of alginate masks infused with gold. Extensive studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of these masks, further highlighting the potential of gold in the realm of aesthetic medicine.